Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Tooth #8 for Sammy: bottom right of center finally came in on Sunday. Maybe now we can have a break?

Harmon's top 2-year-old molars were found to be mostly in. Maybe someday he will stop drooling. He went to the dentist yesterday who assured me that his teeth are ok despite the few serious mouth bashings. I hope he is right.

Harmon continues to fight going to sleep on his own in his bed. It takes a ridiculous 45min to put him to bed. Sammy goes to sleep pretty well but is still waking up every 2-3 hours. Except when cutting teeth. Then it's every 45min.

Sammy is frustrated because she can't walk. Instead of practicing her crawling, she gets up on hands and feet and lifts a hand trying to stand up. This often ends up in a face plant and tears. Other times she will just squawk because she can't quite pull up on the furniture yet. Favorite activity? (Barely) holding your fingers and walking around.

Both kids love outside to the infinite power. And daddy.

Sammy is eating lots and lots of foods and Harmon is obsessed with pretzels and milk.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Seriously Teething

All my posts seem to be about teeth. But that's partially because I thought it was cool in my baby book how my mom had kept track of when all mine came in. So you know, if I ever get to those baby books...

Teeth #6 & #7 appeared today (or late last night? early this morning?) on top left and right of the center teeth. This means that although the bottom was off to an early lead (3-0!) top has taken the lead by one. It also means that only 13 more teeth until we can finally sleep. Oh the humanity.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I hate teeth part 17, highly advanced children

Esther says I have to write that Sammy waves and therefore she is highly advanced. Now I wrote it, and if Esther says she is highly advanced I know it must be true, because she is an excellent judge of character!

Tooth #5 came in today, top center left. A close race though, as teeth #6-8 are close behind.

Monday, August 2, 2010

teeth, beds, potty, etc.

Sammy tooth #4 yesterday, top center right. That makes three for the bottom and one for the top. Real funny. Today she is crawling like a champ, which is bad because I am far too tired to chase her/keep her safe. She still loves to kick her feet and be held facing forward and charm everyone with giant smiles.

Harmon has been using the potty since we went to Montana last week. Awesome. Bribery of popsicles and marshmallows is working pretty good. He is also sleeping in a toddler bed, which works pretty well, except at 6am when he comes running out shouting "play cars!!!" Speaking of speaking, he is a chatterbox who is putting together a lot of words, often using 3 word sentences.